AI-powered customer insights to drive revenue.

Predictive Customer Data Analytics deliver actionable recommendations to reduce churn and increase spend.
Realize triple digit ROI
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Predict Behavior and Churn
With 50% of customers likely to shift lifecycle stages in the next 30 days, Kognitv Pulse keeps you ahead of customer expectations with our AI/ML-powered lifecycle optimization technology.
Increase customer lifetime value
Proactively engage customers based on predicted shifts in behavior, to increase average customer spend by up to 25%.
Optimize lifecycle marketing strategy
Minimize churn by 15%​ by identifying at-risk customers and engaging them before they lapse.
Reach your marketing & business goals
Identify profitable opportunities and receive actionable recommendations to drive revenue uplift of 10-30%.​
Predictive Customer Data Analytics
Our AI/ML engine is made for marketers, by marketers.
SmartJourney® methodology
Marketing strategy and expertise codified.
Our proprietary SmartJourney® lifecycle methodology is a powerful blend of marketing strategy, data science and technology innovation. Previously only accessible through consulting engagements, our proven framework drives revenue growth by helping brands deliver personalized, meaningful customer experiences at scale.

Now, with the power of AI and machine learning, we’ve codified decades of expertise into daily-updating algorithms so you can keep your finger on the pulse of your customers in real time.
Real-Time Reporting
Real-time reporting
Daily updating performance metrics in one place.
Track progress against your marketing goals and get a simple, real-time view of key performance metrics from a single source of truth in minutes.

With Kognitiv Pulse’s Health Check, you can monitor KPIs like average spend per customer, customer lifetime value, and total revenue contributions from customers across each lifecycle stage. Monitor your business performance today and over time, and easily compare to past performance.
AI/ML lifecycle optimization
Identify revenue risks and opportunities.
Arm yourself with the predictive customer insights and prescriptive recommendations you need to optimize your customers' journeys.

With Kognitiv Pulse, you can track your customers' behavior in real time, and predict where they're headed next. Diagnose risks and opportunities in your customer base with answers to key questions like whether you’re retaining customers as well as you were in the past, and how spend per active customer is changing. You’ll have a clear understanding of the health of your business and customer base, and what you should do next to drive growth.
Data Driven decisioning
Data-driven activation
Activate across your martech and adtech stack.
Don't complicate your workflows, improve them.

Kognitiv Pulse delivers easy-to-action recommendations that prescribe which customers to engage, and which not to. Simple integrations with leading platforms like Braze and Salesforce Marketing Cloud, or into your CRM, means activating these recommendations is seamless for you, your customers and your tech.
SmartJourney® methodology
Real-time reporting
AI/ML lifecycle optimization
Data-driven activation
simple intergration
Easy to set up. Easy to use.
Built for simple connections to your systems, Kognitiv Pulse works with your existing business and marketing tools without the need for long or complicated integrations. The sophistication of its AI/ML foundations all run in the background, so you can focus on what matters - turning your data into actions that deliver results for your business.
Up and running in as few as 7 days
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Our industry trusts us. You can too.
Our AI-native customer insights and activation software earned a top spot in the TMW 100 Awards, recognizing the most innovative marketing technology companies in the world. Kognitiv placed 10th in Product Innovation and 2nd in Content & Experience!
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Kognitiv Inspire is a robust, secure, and scalable cloud-based SaaS solution that can handle large volume and variety transactions, all while prioritizing data security. Our systems are SOC I and SOC II compliant.
We're team players and proud members of the Salesforce partner ecosystem and technology and solutions member of the Braze Alloys program.
Top brands across the globe trust us with their loyalty programs, and there's a reason why. Kognitiv was recognized as a "Notable Vendor" in Forrester's Loyalty Technology Solutions Landscape, Q4 2022 report.
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